ATM Safety Tips | Springfield, MO (2024)

An Automatic Teller Machine, or ATM, is a modern invention that many of us depend on almost every day. The convenience and ease of use makes it a handy alternative to a regular bank visit. However, any transaction involving money can be dangerous if you let your guard down. Follow these safety tips to keep your ATM visits both convenient and safe:

Approaching the ATM

  • At a drive-up ATM, keep all windows closed except the one you are using, and all vehicle doors locked. Keep the vehicle running and watch the vehicle's front, rear, and sides. If someone approaches your vehicle on foot, cancel the transaction and leave.
  • If you drive to the ATM and then exit your vehicle to use the ATM, lock the vehicle doors after you exit it. Keep your keys handy so you can re-enter your vehicle quickly after completing your transaction.
  • When approaching the ATM, be alert for anything suspicious, such as 2 or more people in a nearby vehicle or someone "hanging around" the area, especially if no one else is at the ATM.
  • After dark, avoid using an ATM with shrubbery, etc. that prevents a clear view of the area. If the area is not well lighted or the lights are out, don't approach the ATM.

Using the ATM

  • When waiting in line to use the ATM, wait well behind the person ahead of you, and don't approach the ATM until he completes his transaction.
  • If someone is closer to you than you would like them to be while you are using the ATM, ask them politely to step back. If they don't move back, cancel your transaction and wait in your locked vehicle or other safe location until that person leaves. If necessary, go to another ATM.
  • Before you approach the ATM, have your card ready, know your Personal Identification Number (PIN), and have all deposit slips, etc. completed. If you need to get a deposit envelope from the ATM, take it back to your vehicle or other safe location to complete.
  • Memorize your PIN and do not write it on your ATM card or carry it in your wallet or purse. Select a PIN that is different from your address, birth date, SSN, etc. Don't tell anyone your PIN.
  • When using the ATM, stand directly in front of the keyboard, blocking the view of anyone nearby. Do not enter your PIN if anyone else can see the screen. Criminals can use high-powered equipment to visually capture a PIN as it is typed in. By sorting through discarded transaction receipts, they can match PINs and account numbers and have all the information they need to manufacture false ATM cards and gain access to a person's money.
  • Never accept offers of assistance from strangers. If you are having problems with the ATM, contact the financial institution.
  • When you've completed your transaction, put your card, money, receipt, etc. in your pocket or purse and leave immediately, being aware of your surroundings. Do not stand and count your money. If the transaction was incorrect, you can't do anything now, so don't put yourself in danger.

Don't make it easy for someone to rob you. Stay alert and always be aware of your surroundings while at the ATM.

ATM Safety Tips | Springfield, MO (2024)


ATM Safety Tips | Springfield, MO? ›

Memorize your PIN and do not write it on your ATM card or carry it in your wallet or purse. Select a PIN that is different from your address, birth date, SSN, etc. Don't tell anyone your PIN. When using the ATM, stand directly in front of the keyboard, blocking the view of anyone nearby.

What are 3 safety tips for using an ATM? ›

Protecting Your ATM Card
  • Always protect your ATM card and keep it in a safe place, just like you would cash, credit cards or checks.
  • Do not leave your ATM card lying around the house or on your desk at work. ...
  • Keep your Personal Identification Number (PIN) a secret.

How to make sure an ATM is safe? ›

Choose an ATM that is well-lighted and monitored by a surveillance camera or a security guard. If you are using an indoor ATM that requires your card to open the door, avoid letting anyone that you do not know come in with you. Once inside the vestibule, make sure the door is completely closed behind you.

What precautions should be taken when using ATM machine? ›

Always use an ATM that is on a busy street or in a secure building. Avoid using an ATM after midnight or one that's in a deserted place. Even if you are using the ATM at night, ensure it is not in a dark corner. Do not use an ATM if you feel the surroundings are unsafe or notice any suspicious persons lurking around.

How to practically prevent ATM robberies? ›

Use secure ATM machines – under video surveillance or inside of a bank lobby. They're less likely to be tampered with. Thieves have to take more risk installing skimmers where there are security cameras. Cover the ATM keypad as you're entering your PIN — just in case there's a hidden camera around.

What are the 3 safety tips? ›

The three basic rules for personal safety are:
  • Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings.
  • Give the impression that you are calm, confident and know where you are going.
  • Trust your instincts. If it doesn't look or feel right, it might not be.

What are ATM rules? ›

An ATM withdrawal limit is the maximum amount of cash you can withdraw within a specified period. For example, an ATM may restrict daily withdrawals to no more than $1,000. ATMs often impose daily limits. This is for security purposes and to maintain enough cash to service customers at any time.

What is the common problem in ATM? ›

Hardware Malfunctions

Hardware issues are among the most common reasons for ATMs not working. They can range from minor inconveniences to severe malfunctions, including: Card Reader Issues: A frequent problem is the card reader's inability to read debit or credit cards due to wear and tear or debris accumulation.

How do I know if my ATM is safe to withdraw cash? ›

Examine the card reader for signs of tampering.
  • There are glue marks around the reader.
  • There is tape sticking out from under the reader.
  • The reader is skewed or hanging off to the side.
  • A loose piece of plastic or equipment is sticking out from the reader.

How do I know if my ATM is sketchy? ›

Don't use ATMs that have damaged or loose parts or look as if they have been tampered with. “Try wiggling the card reader area to see if it feels loose or if there is a 'cover' over it,” advises Wenzler. “That could be a sign of a skimmer having been placed on top of the actual card reader itself.”

What triggers an ATM alarm? ›

Alarm. The ATM alarm is a sensor that emits a loud noise to deter criminals from continuing with their attempts. It can be triggered by various things, such as someone trying to break into the ATM, use the ATM without authorized access, or remove the ATM from its location.

How common are ATM robberies? ›

The best one can conclude is that the overall rate of ATM-related crime is somewhere between one per 1 million and one per 3.5 million transactions, suggesting that such crime is relatively rare. But the figures, without further analysis and some comparative context, do not tell us much about the risks of ATM robbery.

Will the bank refund money if the ATM is robbed? ›

In general, when a bank is notified about an unauthorized electronic transfer, it must investigate the situation and report to the account holder in a specific amount of time. If the transaction is unauthorized, the bank must refund all or part of the money depending on how quickly the account holder notified the bank.

Can ATM machines be burglarized? ›

Yes, it's possible, but not easy. First, ATMs are VERY heavy and often bolted into concrete. The thieves steal them by ramming a stolen truck through the doors, wrapping a logging chain around the ATM, then accellerating to rip it free from the floor and pull it outside, then several men need to load it into the truck.

What is the best deterrent in preventing bank robberies? ›

Foolproof Security: How Banks Prevent Robberies in 2023
  • Advanced Alarm Systems. Banks have incredibly sensitive alarm systems these days. ...
  • Bulletproof Glass. ...
  • Heavy Security Doors. ...
  • Time-Delay Locks. ...
  • GPS Trackers. ...
  • Dye Packs. ...
  • Bait Money. ...
  • Security Guards.

What are the best ways to prevent robbery? ›

Robbery Prevention Tips
  • Trust your instincts. If you sense trouble, get away as soon as possible.
  • Show confidence. ...
  • Don't look like an easy target. ...
  • Be observant.
  • Remain alert and observe the people around you. ...
  • Walk in well-lit areas. ...
  • Be aware of your surroundings. ...
  • Do not carry large amounts of money.

What are ways to prevent robbery? ›

Have a Plan
  • Be aware of your surroundings. ...
  • Stay with the crowd - there is safety in numbers.
  • Women should carry their wallet in their pocket, not their purse.
  • If you carry a purse, carry it close to your body, like a football player carries a football. ...
  • Don't leave a purse on a counter or in a shopping cart unattended.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.