Are You Having Issues With Your Bank? Learn How to Solve the Problem. (2024)

When you balance your checkbook you may discover that you have discrepancies in your bank account. You may be missing money, or you may discover that you have extra money.

A discrepancy could happen for many reasons. The bank may have made a deposit to the wrong account, for example. You may also find that you have withdrawals that have not been authorized, or perhaps the bank has made an error.

You should also consider whether you have any outstanding checks, deposits in transit, or any bank fees that you are not aware of, which can also account for the difference.

Here's what to do if you find a discrepancy in your bank account—and how to solve it.

Find Information to Support Your Claim

First, you should gather the information that will support your claim. If you are missing a deposit, you should find your receipt for it. It is a good idea to hold on to all your banking receipts at least until your deposit has cleared. You may even keep them longer, in case you encounter issues months down the road.

If you have questions regarding specific transactions, highlight them on your statement. Often, you can go online and find out more about the transaction, as well. When you have this information ready, it is much easier for the customer service representative to help you. Transaction identification numbers can also give the bank the information it needs to start looking into the issue.

Contact the Bank

Address these matters in person if possible. You can call a customer service line, but speaking to people at your bank's branch will be your best option generally. Either way, be sure to record the dates, times, and content of the conversations, as well as any employee reference numbers. You will be able to refer back to these conversations later, and you will also support your claim if you are missing money or have found a large discrepancy in your bank account.

When you are trying to resolve the issue at the bank, don't get frustrated; try to remain calm. These employees are there to help you resolve any problems. However, if you come in very upset, they are not as likely to go out of their way to help you.

Be Patient

Remember to be patient. If there is a missing deposit or an unauthorized transaction, it may take the bank a while to track it down. For example, your initial meeting with the bank regarding the discrepancy may simply start the research to resolve the problem. The bank will then have to go back through and see the teller’s transactions for the day and then determine what went wrong. If you made a deposit at the ATM, then the ATM records will need to be accessed and analyzed.

Follow Up

Follow up with any paperwork or other steps that need to be taken. If you have unauthorized transactions, you may need to file a police report before the bank will do anything.

You should close the account to prevent any more issues, such as missing money, while you are trying to remedy the discrepancy. If you do close the account, be sure to change all of your automatic transfers and payment options, as well as your direct deposit arrangement.

Balance Your Statement Regularly

It goes without saying that you should be sure to balance your account against your statement regularly. That will ensure that you can account for all your money and will allow you to find mistakes and fix them much more quickly. If you use an online budgeting app, you can likely do this via that tool.

Keep a Running Total of What Is in Your Account

You also should keep a running total of your account. Never go by the balance that you receive at the ATM or on a deposit slip: it does not including outstanding debit card transactionsand checks, so you may think you have more money to spend than you actually do, and you can risk overdrafting your account.

Consider Switching Banks

If your bank continues to have discrepancies and other issues, then you may consider switching banks. But before you pull the plug, ensure that the mistakes are really on the bank's part and not a result of your overdrafting your account or not balancing it correctly. If you fail to monitor your account closely, it may be a mistake that you have made.

Consider the bank fees that you are paying. Coupled with a discrepancy, they might be enough to consider switching to a new bank.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does a bank have to correct an error in my favor?

You should correct an error even if it's in your favor. You don't want to spend the money and have the bank ask for it back in the future. In general, banks have two weeks to correct errors after they are notified.

Can I sue a bank for its mistakes?

There are circ*mstances under which you can sue a bank, but when it comes to missing deposits and relatively small bank errors, you're probably better off working with the bank or filing a complaint with the Federal Reserve. However, you may have options if you're determined to file a lawsuit, so consult an attorney to learn more.

What should I do if a bank teller makes a mistake?

There is usually plenty of evidence to help correct any errors on the teller's behalf. If you feel there was a discrepancy, contact the bank just as you would for an electronic error. Among cash counts at the teller's station, security video at the bank, and deposit and withdrawal slips, correcting discrepancies should be fairly easy.

Are You Having Issues With Your Bank? Learn How to Solve the Problem. (2024)


How do you resolve banking problems? ›

Customer Assistance Group
  1. Contact your bank directly first. It is most likely to have the specific information you need and is in the best position to resolve your problem.
  2. Visit where you will find answers to frequently asked questions and other resources.
  3. Fill out the Online Customer Complaint Form.

What is the main problem faced by banks? ›

Some of the most common problems facing the banking sector include cybersecurity, financial regulations, changing customer expectations, technological advances, increasing competition, and economic instability.

What's the biggest challenge in banking at the moment? ›

Challenges faced by the banking sector in India
  1. Regulatory Changes. One of the biggest challenges facing the banking industry is regulatory changes. ...
  2. Cybersecurity Risks. ...
  3. Customer Expectations. ...
  4. Increasing Competition. ...
  5. Economic Uncertainty. ...
  6. Fintech Disruption. ...
  7. Talent Management.
Mar 27, 2023

How to overcome banking challenges? ›

Banks can also overcome this challenge by investing in digital technologies, such as mobile banking apps and online banking platforms, and using data analytics to better understand and meet the needs of customers. Banks along with offering their core products, can also expand into other services using fintech APIs.

How can a bank be improved? ›

9 Ways to Improve the Customer Experience in Banking
  1. Make it easier for new customers to open an account. ...
  2. Get conversational. ...
  3. Embrace GenAI. ...
  4. Make your mobile app more intuitive. ...
  5. Deflect from IVR to digital channels. ...
  6. Provide customers with self-service opportunities. ...
  7. Tie products to life events at the right time.
Mar 29, 2024

What problems can happen with bank? ›

The major risks faced by banks include credit, operational, market, and liquidity risks. Prudent risk management can help banks improve profits as they sustain fewer losses on loans and investments.

Why are banks failing at the moment? ›

Based on this array of flawed assumptions and mismanagement, each bank put billions of funds to work, some in loans and others in bonds. Most of these investments were made at lower interest rates. As inflation increased, by 2022, interest rates skyrocketed and these longer-term loans and bonds lost market value.

What are the top 3 bank risks? ›

Types of financial risks:
  • Credit Risk. Credit risk, one of the biggest financial risks in banking, occurs when borrowers or counterparties fail to meet their obligations. ...
  • Liquidity Risk. ...
  • Model Risk. ...
  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Risk. ...
  • Operational Risk. ...
  • Financial Crime. ...
  • Supplier Risk. ...
  • Conduct Risk.

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In 2023, America saw its highest amount of bank closings since the 2008 recession. The increase in mobile banking use, inflation and interest rates, and real-estate struggles all contributed to why 2023 experienced so many banks shutting their doors.

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List of largest bank failures in the United States
BankCityAssets at time of failure
Inflation-adjusted (2023)
Washington MutualSeattle$434 billion
First Republic BankSan Francisco$229 billion
Silicon Valley BankSanta Clara$209 billion
77 more rows

What three banks failed in a week? ›

Global markets fear that other banks will fail after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate and Signature Bank in New York. Here's why. The current crisis started on March 8, with Silvergate's announcement that it was winding down its operations after its customers fled.

What are the five most important banking services? ›

The 5 most important banking services are checking and savings accounts, loan and mortgage services, wealth management, providing Credit and Debit Cards, Overdraft services. You can read about the Types of Banks in India – Category and Functions of Banks in India in the given link.

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What are the most effective ways to handle customer complaints in banking?
  1. Listen actively.
  2. Apologize sincerely.
  3. Offer a solution.
  4. Follow up promptly. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  5. Learn and improve.
  6. Train and empower.
  7. Here's what else to consider. Be the first to add your personal experience.
Oct 10, 2023

What are the strategies for banking? ›

Customer-Centric Approach: Finally, a successful banking strategy puts the customer at its core. Understanding and meeting customer needs is what ultimately drives growth. Banks must continuously seek to enhance the customer experience. The following free templates are designed to tackle these aspects head-on.

What are the four types of money? ›

Different 4 types of money
  • Fiat money – the notes and coins backed by a government.
  • Commodity money – a good that has an agreed value.
  • Fiduciary money – money that takes its value from a trust or promise of payment.
  • Commercial bank money – credit and loans used in the banking system.
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The most common cause of bank failure is when the value of the bank's assets falls below the market value of the bank's liabilities, which are the bank's obligations to creditors and depositors. This might happen because the bank loses too much on its investments.

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The regulatory agencies primarily responsible for supervising the internal operations of commercial banks and administering the state and federal banking laws applicable to commercial banks in the United States include the Federal Reserve System, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the FDIC and the ...

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.