Alameda Daily Argus from Alameda, California (2024)

6, 1910 ALAMEDA DAILY ARGUS SEVEN FRIDAY, AMUsem*nTS. MACDONOUGH H. H. Direction Phones Oakland Gottiob, THEATRE CAMPBELL, 87. Marx A.

3987 Co. Mgr. and STARTING MONDAY, MAY 9 TONIGHT--Tomorrow Afternoon 3 Charles Nights Frohman presente Matinee, Night, SURTON TRAVELOGUES. HOLMES 'THE THIEF" With Herbert Kelcey and Effie Shannon by Wright Kramer Prices-25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 "BERLIN" 300 Choice Orchestra Seats, $1.00 Delivered Tonight "JAVA" saturday Evening. Afternoon.

ABOUT PARIS" Special Wednesday 75c and Matinee $1.00 at. 75c, $1.00 Prices-25c, 60c, Prices-50c, TWELFTH and CLAY STREETS. OAK LAND Sunset Phone Oakland 711 Home Ph one A MATINEE EVERY DAY! ARTISTIC VAUDEVILLE! M. CRESSY and BLANCHE EDWARDS' "NIGHT with Nellie DAYNE in Mr. Cressy's Own Play, WYOMING and Twelve Singing GUS Dancing Youngsters; Theodore LOCKWOOD Daly; and AL MACCARTY; LANCION, LYNCH THE PICQUAYS; NEW Brewster LUCIER assisted by WHITE'S DANCING I BUGS; PICTURES; Week--Immense Hit-NELLIE WALSH, ORPHEUM the MOTION famous Songstress Comedienne.

NICHOLS, 50c, 75c. Box Seats $1. Matinees "(except 10c, 25c, PRICES. and Evenings Holidays) 10c, 25c, 50c. IDORA TAKE ADMISSION AVE TELEGRAPHS PARK 10 CENTS Ferullo's Last WAGNER CONCERT TONIGHT The band and in addition Wagner, Grand will play six mastarpieces Murder Scene from Ferullo leaves Sunday Fantasie and to hear him before he Carmen." night.


WTH and TELEGRAPH, OAKLAND. LYON STORAGE AND MOVING CO. ONLY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE On East Side the Bay. Ring Up Oakland 2071 BOWLING SEASON OPEN Zee Nut for the ladies who bowl. Monday evenings Special Ladies' night.


MARTIN, MGR. SHOWING 5 TO 15 SUBJECTS, CHANGED DAILY. Perfect Ventilation, 4 Fire Exits (Think of it), Pictures clearer ban Others. No Flicker to Pictures Courteous Treatment. ALWAYS IMPROVING -NEVER STANDING STILL Any Seat 5c H.

NOY INCORPORATED Established 1876 DEALERS IN ALL KINDA OF Fresh Meats, Fish and Poultry PALACE MARKET Bay Station Railroad Ave. Telephone Alameda 461. ALAMEDA, Cal FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING CALL AT THE ARGUS OFFICE A Vacation Hint Season Excursion Tickets Mountains Lakes Seashore Ask for Rates and Literature SOUTHERN PACIFIC TICKET OFFICES: BROADWAY AND THIRTEENTH STREETS, OAKLAND PARK STREET, ALAMEDA Alamedan Accused of Assaulting Cousin. OAKLAND, May Noftes, proprietor of a small store at Twenty-fourth street and Oakland avenue, is in the Receiving Hospital, suffering from a possible fracture of the skull, as the result of a beating alleged to have been administered by two men, each named John Elsopolus, cousins, for whom the police are now seeking. It is claimed by Nottes that the occasion of the attack upon him by the two men, who conduct a small candy store at Seventh and Market streets and another in Alameda, was that they owed him a small sum of! money and they became incensed when he caused an attachment to be levied on their stores by Deputy Constable Ryan, to satisfy the indebtedness.

Yesterday the two betook themselves to Notes' store and there set upon him, he says, knocking him down, beating and kicking him until there is danger of his not recovering from his injuries. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of hear NOTICE or Street Work Inviting Proposals Therefor. Pursuant to Statute and Resolution Ordering Street Work No. 747 of the Council of the City of Alameda, adopted May 3rd, 1910, directing this notice, Notice is hereby given that said Council ordered the work hereinafter described to be done, and that the undersigned, City Clerk of Alameda, hereby invites and will receive at his office in said city up to 8 o'clock p.

m. of the 17th day of May, 1910, sealed proposals or bids for the following etreet work, to-wit: That Cedar Street from a right line 520 feet right angular measurement, southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Clinton Avenue to the concrete bulkhead in the southern extremity of said street be improved as follows: That the entire width of eald street between said limits, from property line to property line, be graded to the official grade; that concrete curbing, eight inches by twelve inches in cross section dimension, combined with concrete gutters, three feet wide by six inches thick, be constructed along noth edges of the roadway of said street between said limits; and that che remaining portion of the roadway of said street, between said limits, be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock six inches in thickness. All of said work is to be done according to Specifications No. 747 street, therefor adopted, now on file in the City Clerk's office, and posted near the Chamber door of said Council. Reference to said specifications is hereby made for further particulars.

Bidders must file with each proposal or bid a Check, certified by a responsible Bank, payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of Alameda, for an amount which shall be not less than ten per cent. of the aggregate of said proposal, or a Bond tor said amount, as aforesaid, signed by the bidder and by two sureties, who shall justify, before an officer authorized to administer oaths, in double the said amount, over and above all Statutory exceptions. Dated at the Clerk's office, City of Alameda, this 4th day of May, 1910. F. E.

BROWNING, City Clerk of Alameda. 5-6 2t NOTICE OF STREET WORK NO. 750. Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of May, A. D.

1910, the Couneil of the City of Alameda adopted its Resolution, No. 750, declaring its intention to' order the improvement of Pacific Avenue from the eastern line of First Street to the eastern line of Fourth Street, and including the crossings of Second Street and Third Street with Pacific Avenue, and including the termination and opposite termination of Hourth Street in Pacifie Avenue, by grading; by the construction of concrete curbing on the curb lines of eaid avenue and on the curved corners of said crossing and of said opposite termination; by the construction of cement grouted rock gutters contiguous to said curbing and curved corners; by the construction of corrugated iron, part circle culverts set in concrete, with "T's" and manholes with covers and rims of castIron, aeros3 Pacific Avenue on the eastern side of the crossing of said avenue with Second Street, also across Pacific Avenue on the western side of the crossing of said avenue with Third Street, also across Pacific Avenue on the eastern side of the crossing of said avenue with Third Street, and also across Fourth Street in the opposite termination thereof with Pacitie Avenue, and also across Pacific Avenue on the western side of the crossing of said avenue with Second Street, except that the culvert last mentioned shall be constructed without or manholes; also by maendamizing the roadway of said avenile between said limits with an eight Inch layer of broken trap rock. Reference is hereby made to said resolution for further particulars. V. M.

FRODDEN, Street Superintendent of the City of Alameda. 5-6 6t CAMPBELL BROS. SHOWS TO ARRIVE HERE WEEK FROM TOMORROW. Campbell Brothers Consolidated Shows will be in this city May 14, and today these shows take their place as the leaders. Money, time, patience, perseverance and travel have all been devoted toward placing their circus beyond competition.

New and startling features have been added to every line of their entertainment; and in the rings, on the stage, in the air, and all about you new and wonderful feats are performed by trained experts in their various lines. Hundreds of horses have been added; all decked out in their glittering harnesses, numberless artists in magnificent costumes, trained elephants, funny clowns. and in fact everything that is new will be seen when Campbell Brothers Consolidated Shows exhibit here May 14. Big street parade at 10:30 a. m.

and two performances will be given at 2 and 8 p. m. under water-proof tents, rain or shine. LICENSED TO WED. OAKLAND, May -The following marriage licenses were issued here yesterday: Sidney N.

Graves, 21, Oakland, and Wilhelmina Radke, 20, San Francisco; John G. Johnson, 36, and Ellen M. Ferrick, 24, both of Oakland; William Gaffney, 21, San Francisco, and Anita Kearns, 20, Kenwood; Thomas L. Cogley, 27, Needles, and Helen Stuhr, 23, Genesco, Charles E. Skidmore, 29, and Margaret Wikoff, 29, both of Berkeley; Herbert D.

Allen, 25, Santa Cruz, and Elma J. Salz, 25, Centerville. A Morning Keminder. You awake with a mean, nast aste in the mouth, which remind ou that your stomach is in a bai andition. It should also remin ou that there is nothing so goo a disordered stomach a hamberlain's Stomach and Live blets.

"hey build up the system, assist natur restore natural conditions, and are 5 ntle in their action that one hardly real so a medicine was taken. Chamberlain' ablets are sold evervwhere, Price 25 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, as the guardian of the person and estate of Antonio Sciutti, an incompetent person, that under and by virtue of an order of sale made by the Court of the County of Sonoma, of California, Superior. on the 12th day of April, 1909, in the matter of the estate and guardianship of Antonio Sciutti, an incompetent person, I will sell at private sale to the highest bidder and subject to confirmation by said court, on or after twelve (12) o'clock M. of Saturday, May 14th, 1910, at the law office of Robert A.

Poppe, on the east side of the Plaza, in Sonoma City, in said County of Sonoma, State of California, for cash, in United States Gold Coin, all the right, title, Interest and estate of said incompetent person of, in and to all that certain lot, piece or (parcel of land situate, lying and being in Oakland Township, County of Alameda, State of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the westerline of Claremont avenue, three hundred and forty .6 feet (340.6) from the intersection of Telegraph and Claremont avenues, and running thence northwesterly one hundred and one .74 feet (101.74) to the southeasterly corner of Lot Number Six (6), in Block and running thence northeasterly fifty-two .18 feet (52.18) to the northeasterly corner of said Lot Number Six (6), and running thence southeasterly to the westerly line of Claremont avenue one hundred and sixteen .68 feet (116.68); thence southwesterly on the westerly line of Claremont avenue fifty (50) feet to the point of beginning. Being Lot numbered Twenty-two (22), in Block as laid down and designated on a certain map entitled "Map of the Vicente Peralta Reservation Tract, Alameda County, State of California," filed in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County on the 15th day of June, A. D. 1886. Terms and Conditions of Sale: Cash, in Gold Coin of the United States, ten (10) per cent the amount bid or offered to be deposited with the undersigned, guardian, at the time of making the bid or offer, and the balance upon confirmation of sale by the Superior Court aforesaid.

All offers or bids shall be in writing and will be received at law office of Robert A. Poppe, on the east side of the Plaza, In Sonoma City, in said County of Sonoma, or may be delivered to said Charles Dal Poggetto, guardian, personally, or may be filed in the oflice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County of Sonoma, at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making of the sale. Examination of title and deeds at expense of purchaser. Dated at Sonoma, April 21st, 1910. CHARLES DAL POGGETTO, As guardian of the person and estate of Antonio Solutti, an incompetent person.

Robert A. Poppe, Sonoma, attorney for guardian. 4-23, 30; 5-7 Classified Advertisem*nts HELP WANTED, REAL ESTATE, ARTICLES FOR SALE, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HELP WANTED. CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED EXperience unnecessary. Sell our brands to the retail trade.

Big pay. Write for full particulars at once. Globe Cigar Cleveland, O. 2-21 to 6-21, ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers. Experience unnecessary.

Address Press Correspondence Bureau, Washington, D. C. 4-30 tf WANTED- girl for cook: ing and general housework. Apply 1805 Weber street. Phone Ala.

2717. 5-6 tf SALESMEN WANTED- To sell irrigated farm lands, supported by local advertising. Big commissions. Call on W. H.

Judson, 1262 Broadway, Oakland. 5-6 3t MISCELLANEOUS. RUPTURED? Many in Alameda and Oakland cured by using my appliance. Names upon application. In no case has it failed to retain the rupture and the wearers have gone about their usual avocations comfortable, free from danger and free from an operation.

Cost $10.00. ROSWELL G. WHEELER, Phone Oakland 7345. FOR SALE--New open rubber tired single buggy, new harness, whip and storm apron, cheap. Can be seen at 1418 Cottage St.

5-4 3t FOR SALE-1 1 child's enameled bed, 1 kitchen table, 1 three-burner gas plate; also a miscellaneous lot cof household goode. Very cheap for immediate sale. Apply 1402 Santa Clara. 5-5 FOR -Young Hens for sale. Address (Laurel Street.

Call in SALEs the morning. 5-5 ALAMEDA SCHOOL COMPETITION Supplementary Notice. Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of the City of Alameda and of Alameda School District of Alameda State of California, that the drawings submitted under the competition established by' the said Board of Education in its "Notice Architects," adopted April 5th, 1910, and published in the "Alameda Daily Argus" shall be as follows: A. Plot plan showing buildings and grounds on a scale of 32 feet to the inch. B.

Floor plans of various floore, made to a scale of 8 feet to the inch. C. One elevation each of the front and one side, made to a scale of 8 feet to one inch. D. (1) Longitudinal and (1) Transverse section, taken on the main axes at a scale of's feet to one inch.

No other drawings shall be submitted and no alternatives will be allowed. All drawing except rendered elevations must be in only, in India ink, the plans and sections blacked in. The ceilings may be indicated simply in a light grey line if desired but there shall be no indication of tiling, mosaic or other floor embellishment. Shadows shall be cast from the left side and above at an angle of 45 degrees. The principal elevation shall be rendered in India Ink wash only.

The names, dimensions and areas of rooms shall be lettered on each drawing in black and gray line India Ink, no script or fancy lettering shall be used. One outstanding figure six feet in height may be shown on the elevation to give the scale but no other accessories shall be exhibited. Perspective sketches must not be included. All drawings must be delivered flat and not mounted on frames or stretchers. D.

L. RANDOLPH. President Board of Education, City of Alameda. WILL C. WOOD, Secretary Board of Education City of Alameda.

4-20. 22, 27, 29; 5-4, 6 6t OSTEOPATHY OSTEOPATHY DR. C. STEVENS Osteopathic Physician. Methodist Church Building 1361 PARK STREET.

ATTORNEYS EDWARD K. TAYLOR Attorney and Counselor-at-Law Special Attention to Land Titles and Probate. Bank of Alameda 1402 Park St A. F. ST.

SURE ATTORNEY and Counselor-at-Law. Room 213, Bacon Bldg, OAKLAND Phone Oakland 25. Residence1209 Lafayette Street. Phone Alameda $26. Alameda W.

DUFOUR Notary Public 2326 SANTA CLARA AVENUE NEAR PARK STREET Phone Ala. 571 Res. Ala. 5310 NATURALIZATION-ATTORNEY Carlos G. White, 957 Broadway, Oakland.

(formerly Aes't V. Attorney) HOUSES AND FLATS. FOR FLAT, furnished, coal and gas stove, bot and cold water, modern, gas and electricity, extra. 3014 Encinal 1 block from station or 1522 Santa Clara. 1.2-31 tf FOR RENT--In Mill Valley.

Furnished cottage; pretty rustic place; near station; among redwoode. quire P. O. Box 783, Mill Valley." 5-4 FOR RENT--Five room cottage 1727 Buena Vista ave. Rent $14.00.

Apply 1617 Hibberd St. 5-5 FOR RENT- -Four room furnished flat. $15.00 per month. Apply mornings at 888 Laurel St. 5-5 List your houses and furnished rooms with us for speedy rental.

KASSEBAUM LANDSBURG 1348 Park St. Phone Ala. 2978 ROOMS AND BOARD FOR RENT- Comfortable gunny rooms and board centrally located within one block of Willow station. Electric cars pass door. $6 per week.

Apply 2064 Santa Clara. Phone Ala. 2783. 5-2 FOR RENT- TWO or three rooms with or without board. 1436 Benton St.

Morton station. 5-4 PROFESSIONAL ANNA M. LONGSHORE POTTS, M. 1914 BUENA VISTA AVE, Alameda, Cal. Diseases of Women and Children Hours: 10 to 12 a.

2 to 4 p. 1 Consultation Free Dr. Potts will Parlor lectures to and Disease every day at 2:30 P. M. vited to attend.

give free illustrated Ladies upon Health Tuesday and ThursAll are cordially in- MONEY TO LOAN. Salary and Furniture Loans SALARY LOANS are loans made to those who can, will and do work In other words to persons steadily employed by the week or month Leave the rest to us. They are made promptly, privately and unbeknown to employer, CHATTER, LOANS are loans made to persone owning Furniture, Pianos. Homes, Vehicles, Live Stock, etc. They are made in amounts from twenty-five dollars to two hundred dollars.

They are made promptly, privately and with the idea that you will come back to us when needing goods in our line. PACIFIC LOAN "The Standard Loan Office," Room 306 Bacon Building, Oakland, Phone Oak 4609. 2-11 3m Salaried People MEN AND WOMEN Can borrow at lowest rates without endorser; strictly confidential. ROOM 24, BACON BLOCK Oakland Discount Co. For lowest rates and best terms on pianos and furniture, see W.


Notice is hereby given by the undesigned administrator of the estate of Cruz M. Sousa, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four months after first publication of this notice to said administrator at the office of the Alameda Argus, Central Avenue near Park Street, Alameda, which said office the undersigned selects Re his place of business in all matters connected with said estate Cruz M. Sousa, deceased. A. T.

SOUSA, Administrator of the estate of Cruz M. Sousa, deceased. Dated, April 20, 1910. R. B.

Tappan, attorney for administrator, Citizens' Bank of Alameda. WORKS: 2302A ENCINAL AVE. Phone Alameda 1181 Japanese Dyeing Cleaning Works By the Latest Improved DRY CLEANING PROCESS Men's Sults Cleaned and Pressed 50c Ladies' Plain Skirte 59c Contracts at (per month) $2.00 ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Office Telephone Alameda 590 Residence Telephone Alameda 1866 J. S.

HANLEY Notary Public REAL ESTATE AGENT INSURANCE BROKER NO. 1310 PARK STREET. Sherman Cal. Street Improved and unimproved property. Houses to let.

Rents collected. Money loaned. Real Estate J. T. HARDIN NOTARY RESIDENT AGENT FOR THE Union Assurance, Limited of Near Chestnut Station Phone Alameda 660 LOST AND FOUND LOST- male Maltese cat, strayed Sept.

6th, 1907, fr 1105 Grand Street. Liberal reward. Telephone Piedmont 765. 1-23 TX MISSING Owner of stolen Angora cat knows who has and will give three days to return it to Argue fice. No questione asked.

5-6 St FURNITURE WANTED. FURNITURE WANTED We you more for furniture, household goods and mdse. of all kinds than you can get elsewhere. Terms cash, or 00 commission. J.


HALL'S 2154 ENCINAL ALAMEDA DRESSMAKING Mrs. Gunn's Dressmaking N.W. COR. Central Ave. and Park (Entrance on Central Ave.) ARCHITECT.

A. W. CORNELIUS Architect. Metropolis Bank 625 Market St, San Francisco Phone Kearney 4406 Residence 2345 Pacific Avenue, ALAMEDA HAIR DRESSING. YOUR OWN HAIR Made Up Equal to Cut Hair and Fine French Hair Furnished Mrs.

Florence Phipps Reed 1900 CLINTON AVE. Wigs Toupees All Kinds of Hair Work. Combings Made Up. Hair Dressing, Manicuriug. Face Massage- -Scalp Treaunent Hair Dying and Hair Bleaching FIRST CLASS WORK Will Call at Residence.

Mrs. B. Stegeman Address 1558 Pacitie Phone Ala. 2149 Ahmeda NOTICE OF TIME SET FOR PROVING WILL. In the Superior Court of the County of Alameda, State of California.

In the matter of the estate of ALFRED NELSON, deceased. Notice of time set proving will, and application for letters of administration with will annexed. Notice is hereby given, that 2 petition for the probate of the will of Al fred Nelson, deceased, and for the is suance to Johanna Nelson of letters of administration with the will annexed has been filed in this Court, and that Tuesday, the 10th day of May A. D. 1910, at 10 o'elock n.

m. of said. day, at the Courtroom of Department No. 4 of said Court, at the Court House in the City of Oakland, in the County of Alameda, has been set for the hearing of said petition, when and where any person interested may appear and contest the same, and show cause if any they have why said perttion should not be granted. Dated April 29, 1910.

JOHN P. COOK, Clerk. By W. W. Crane, Deputy Clerk.

R. B. Tappan, attorney for petitioner, Citizens' Bank Alameda, Cat 4-30 8t Tokio Tailor High Class Work DYEING. CLEANING and PRESSING Men's Suit Cleaned, Pressed 750 Ladies' Plain Skirt 1613 PARK STREET. Phone Ala.


Alameda Daily Argus from Alameda, California (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.