7 Top Reasons To Save Your Money | Bankrate (2024)

Most people know they should be saving a portion of their income, but they might not grasp all of the benefits of doing so. Saving is an important habit to get into for a number of reasons — it helps you cover future expenses, manage financial stress and plan for vacations, just to name a few.

Understanding the different merits of saving might motivate you to save more. So, here are seven significant ways saving money can help you thrive.

1. Having a safety net during hardships

One of the most important savings goals everyone should have is building an emergency fund. The purpose of an emergency fund is to ensure that you can afford various expenses caused by sudden and unexpected life events, including medical costs, sudden unemployment, natural disasters, home repairs and family emergencies.

It can also give you peace of mind to know that if such an emergency were to arise, you wouldn’t have to struggle to cover the costs of living.

According to Bankrate’s emergency fund report, 47 percent of Americans surveyed said they wouldn’t be able to afford a $1,000 expense with their savings. Saving at least a few months’ worth of expenses can help you avoid building up greater debt in the future.

2. Meeting life goals

Let’s face it, many of our life goals aren’t free. Anything from pursuing higher education to buying a home requires a certain amount of funding, which you’ll need to plan ahead for.

“If you have future goals — a big vacation, a child’s education, upgrading your home or vehicle — it can be important to begin saving now so you have the funds available when you are ready to achieve those goals,” says David Edmisten, the founder of Next Phase Financial Planning, a firm based in Prescott, Arizona.

The sooner you start saving for your goals, the more likely you’ll achieve them faster. It’s important to list your various goals and develop savings strategies for both short-term goals (such as a vacation or down payment on a house) and long-term goals (such as opening a business or retirement).

3. Work flexibility

Saving your money allows you to have a cushion of support during gaps in employment or a switch in jobs.

“A huge benefit to saving is the flexibility it provides,” says Alex Crouch, founder of Tech Financial Planning based in Nashville. “If you have a nice nest egg it opens up a world of possibilities.”

“Maybe there’s a job you’re eyeing that would be great for your career growth, but you’d have to take a pay cut,” Crouch says. “Maybe you want to start your own business and need a runway to get it off the ground. Maybe you’re burnt out and need to take a sabbatical,” he says.

Not only does money you’ve saved gives you the support to take time off for mental and physical health, it also gives you leverage in realizing broader career goals. Those savings might allow you to move into a career field that aligns more closely with your goals, or they might be used to fund starting your own business.

4. Reduced tax liability

When you save money in a retirement plan, you get different tax advantages, depending on the plan. With a traditional 401(k), for example, you can reduce your taxable income by making savings contributions to the tax-deductible plan.

In 2023, you can contribute up to $22,500 tax-deferred to a 401(k) plan, if your employer offers it. For those 50 years or older, the limit is $30,000.

A Roth 401(k), on the other hand, doesn’t allow tax-deferred contributions, but it also comes with a unique tax benefit: You don’t have to pay taxes when the funds are eventually distributed. That means the money in a Roth 401(k) grows tax-free.

Although a Roth IRA comes with lower contribution limits, those who don’t have the employer-sponsored 401(k) plan can still get tax benefits. Roth IRA contributions also grow tax-free, and you won’t have to pay taxes on the funds when they’re withdrawn or passed down to heirs.

5. More travel opportunities

Getting to travel is one of the great rewards of life. It can offer a chance to decompress, explore the world and expose yourself to exciting new experiences.

While traveling can be expensive, that doesn’t mean you should write it off. Instead, consider travel to be an opportunity that’s opened up to you by committing to a savings plan — especially if you start saving early.

If you set aside a predetermined amount each month for a vacation fund, you can avoid having to deal with long-term credit card debt, says Kiersten Peshek, CFP, lead wealth advisor at Citrine Capital based in San Francisco. “Since you have the cash ready, you can pay for the trip with the credit card, receive the points/miles/etc. and then pay off the credit card charge in full with the cash you saved throughout the year.”

6. Relieve financial stress

Financial uncertainty and unexpected expenses can take a significant toll on your mental wellbeing. Bankrate’s financial wellness survey found that 52 percent of Americans say money has a negative impact on their mental health.

However, establishing consistent savings habits is one way to counteract financial stress.

“The psychological benefit of saving can be the sensation of having control,” says Josh Gallogly, CFP, founder of Milestones Financial in Grandview Heights, Ohio. “Specifically, having more control over one’s future through the prospect of having more options to choose from as a result of one’s saving.”

The act of saving goes beyond simply accumulating money — it fosters a sense of agency over one’s financial future. You can create a buffer against unforeseen expenses, while also limiting the likelihood of entering into debt during challenging times.

When people feel secure in their financial standing, they’re better equipped to manage external pressures and have money be less of a constant worry.

7. Helping others

Once you get to a point in saving where you feel comfortable with your various savings funds and have grown your wealth, you’re also able to support causes that go beyond individual goals. That could mean helping out a friend or family member in need or donating to a charity that you care about.

You may want to keep your savings in a high-yield savings account, where they can grow over time. As your savings build, you can contribute more to important causes and gain fulfillment from helping others in their own financial journeys.

Bottom line

Saving money is important for both establishing a baseline of financial stability and getting to explore opportunities beyond just meeting necessities. It gives you more flexibility in your career, more opportunities to travel and the capacity to support causes you care about.

You may want to create separate funds for different savings goals, including an emergency fund, so it’s easier to track how much you’re saving for each. Compare various savings accounts to find the best rate and features and let your savings grow.

7 Top Reasons To Save Your Money | Bankrate (2024)


Which of these 7 reasons to save is not really an example of saving but rather of investing? ›

Explanation: Out of the listed 7 reasons to save, number 5, 6 and 7 which are: 5) Investing in stocks, 6) Investing in a business, and 7) Investing in real estate are not actually examples of saving, but rather examples of investing.

What are the three reasons people save money? ›

Over time, savings accumulate into a larger amount. The three reasons for saving are: to purchase a planned good or service in the future; to buy a good or service that people suddenly see and want; and to deal with emergencies and unexpected events.

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Over time, your savings will compound, and you'll be able to reach your financial goals more easily. Additionally, it's important to track your spending and look for ways to cut back on unnecessary expenses so that you can save more.

Why should we need to save money? ›

The future is unpredictable, and financial emergencies can crop up anytime. Saving money allows you to create a safety net for your future expenses as well as unplanned financial needs. The more you save, the more peace of mind you have, as you are better prepared for anything life throws at you.

Which is a reason to save money regularly? ›

The importance of saving money is simple: It allows you to enjoy greater security in your life. If you have cash set aside for emergencies, you have a fallback should something unexpected happen. And, if you have savings set aside for discretionary expenses, you may be able to take risks or try new things.

What is the #1 reason why people struggle to save money? ›

Many adults struggle to cover unexpected expenses without resorting to credit. Debt, especially from high-interest credit cards, significantly hinders the ability to save. Lack of budgeting contributes to poor financial management and savings shortfalls.

What is the 3 saving rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

Why is saving money a good goal? ›

Most people know they should be saving a portion of their income, but they might not grasp all of the benefits of doing so. Saving is an important habit to get into for a number of reasons — it helps you cover future expenses, manage financial stress and plan for vacations, just to name a few.

What are 3 benefits advantages of saving your money at a bank? ›

4 Key Advantages of a Savings Account: Access, Security and More. Your hard-earned money deserves a good home. With a savings account, you can maintain your savings in a liquid state—meaning you can access your funds whenever you want—while also putting some space between your savings and your daily spending needs.

What are the pros and cons of saving your money? ›

Savings account benefits include safety for your savings, interest earnings and easy access to your money. However, savings accounts may have drawbacks, such as variable interest rates, minimum balance requirements and fees.

What are the three basic reasons to save money? ›

There are three basic reasons to save money. First, we save for an emergency fund. Second, we save for purchases. Third, we save for wealth building.

What is the importance of money 10 points? ›

It is just a tool that can help us achieve our goals. It cannot buy us love, good health, or happiness. However, it can provide us with the means to access the resources necessary for these things. In conclusion, the importance of money cannot be denied in today's world.

What is the reason for money? ›

To summarize, money has taken many forms through the ages, but money consistently has three functions: store of value, unit of account, and medium of exchange. Modern economies use fiat money-money that is neither a commodity nor represented or "backed" by a commodity.

What are two reasons to save instead of invest? ›

Saving provides a safety net and a way to achieve short-term goals, while investing has the potential for higher long-term returns and can help achieve long-term financial goals. However, investing also comes with the risk of losing money.

What is the difference between saving and investing? ›

The difference between saving and investing

Saving can also mean putting your money into products such as a bank time account (CD). Investing — using some of your money with the aim of helping to make it grow by buying assets that might increase in value, such as stocks, property or shares in a mutual fund.

Why is saving safer than investing? ›

The biggest difference between saving and investing is the level of risk taken. Saving typically results in you earning a lower return but with virtually no risk. In contrast, investing allows you the opportunity to earn a higher return, but you take on the risk of loss in order to do so.

Is it better to save or invest? ›

Saving is generally seen as preferable for investors with short-term financial goals, a low risk tolerance, or those in need of an emergency fund. Investing may be the best option for people who already have a rainy-day fund and are focused on longer-term financial goals or those who have a higher risk tolerance.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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