50-20-30 Rule - Financial Wellness Calculator (2024)

50-20-30 Rule - Financial Wellness Calculator (1)


The 50-20-30 Rule helps to build a budget by following three spending categories: Needs, Debt/Savings, and Wants. 50% of your net income should go towards living expenses and essentials (Needs), 20% of your net income should go towards debt reduction and savings (Debt Reduction and Savings), and 30% of your net income should go towards discretionary spending (Wants).

Enter Your Monthly Income

The 50-20-30 Rule helps to build a budget by following three spending categories: Needs, Debt/Savings, and Wants. 50% of your net income should go towards living expenses and essentials (Needs), 20% of your net income should go towards debt reduction and savings (Debt Reduction and Savings), and 30% of your net income should go towards discretionary spending (Wants).

Begin by entering your total net monthly income (after taxes) from all sources.

Enter Your Monthly Expenses

Expense Type

Current Expenses

% of Income

Utilities Cable/internet, electric, gas, water, sewer, phone
Transportation Car loan/lease, gas, insurance, public transportation
Food Groceries, dining out, take-out/delivery, pet food
Health & Dependent Care Out of pocket copays, daycare, elderly care
Household Maintenance Repairs, replacements, cleaning supplies, lawn care
Debt/Loans Credit card debt, school loans, payday loans
Savings Emergency fund, bank savings, Roth IRAs, brokerage accounts
Personal and Family Care Grooming, clothing, gym memberships, hobbies
Leisure Activities Vacations and get-aways, movies, concerts, sporting events
Other Expenses Charitable donations, birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, tithing


Budget Category





{{ chartKeyNeeds }}%



{{ chartKeyDebts }}%

Wants/Discretionary Spending


{{ chartKeyWants }}%

You have a monthly budget surplus of {{ totalDifference | currency: '$': 2 }}

Your monthly expenses equal your monthly income.

You have a monthly budget shortfall of {{ totalDifference | currency: '$': 2 }}

Ohio Public Employees Retirement System 50-20-30 Rule - Financial Wellness Calculator (2)

Retirement Gap Calculator

Use our Gap Calculator tool to calculate the difference between the income you'll need during retirement and the income you'll receive from your pension.

50-20-30 Rule - Financial Wellness Calculator (2024)


50-20-30 Rule - Financial Wellness Calculator? ›

50% of your net income should go towards living expenses and essentials (Needs), 20% of your net income should go towards debt reduction and savings (Debt Reduction and Savings), and 30% of your net income should go towards discretionary spending (Wants).

How do you distribute your money when using the 50 20 30 rule responses? ›

Those will become part of your budget. The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

Is the 50/30/20 rule realistic? ›

The 50/30/20 rule can be a good budgeting method for some, but it may not work for your unique monthly expenses. Depending on your income and where you live, earmarking 50% of your income for your needs may not be enough.

How to do the math for the 50 30 20 rule? ›

Applying the 50/30/20 rule would give you a budget of:
  1. 50% for mandatory expenses = $2,000 (0.50 X 4,000 = $2,000)
  2. 30% for wants and discretionary spending = $1,200 (0.30 X 4,000 = $1,200)
  3. 20% for savings and debt repayment = $800 (0.20 X 4,000 = $800)
Oct 26, 2023

Can you live off $1000 a month after bills? ›

But it is possible to live well even on a small amount of money. Surviving on $1,000 a month requires careful budgeting, prioritizing essential expenses, and finding ways to save money. Cutting down on housing costs by sharing living spaces or finding affordable options is crucial.

What is one negative thing about the 50/30/20 rule of budgeting? ›

Some Experts Say the 50/30/20 Is Not a Good Rule at All. “This budget is restrictive and does not take into consideration your values, lifestyle and money goals. For example, 50% for needs is not enough for those in high-cost-of-living areas.

Is $4000 a good savings? ›

Ready to talk to an expert? Are you approaching 30? How much money do you have saved? According to CNN Money, someone between the ages of 25 and 30, who makes around $40,000 a year, should have at least $4,000 saved.

What are the flaws of the 50 30 20 rule? ›

While the 50 30 20 rule can be a useful way to manage your finances, it may not be suitable for everyone. Here are some potential disadvantages of the 50 30 20 rule: Some people might need more than 50% of their income for needs: some individuals or families may have higher essential expenses.

What is the 50 30 20 budget tracker? ›

A straightforward financial planning system for those who just want an easy way to plan and keep track of their budget and finances. In the 50/30/20 budget system, 50% of your income is allocated to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings or paying off debt.

How much should I budget for a 60k salary? ›

On a $60,000 salary, which roughly translates to $50,000 after taxes (depending on your location and tax rates), 60% would be about $30,000 per year, or $2,500 per month. Savings (20%): This portion should be allocated towards your savings, investments, emergency funds, or debt repayment.

Is 50/30/20 gross or net? ›

50/30/20 explained. The basic idea of the 50/30/20 rule is simple. You allocate 50% of your post-tax income to “needs” and another 30% to “wants.” That leaves you with at least 20% of your net income that you're able to save or use to pay down existing debt.

Is $2000 a month enough to live on? ›

Living on $2,000 per month is doable, but you won't be able to live just anywhere. This is important because at the time of writing the average Social Security benefit paid is $1,701 per month.

Can you survive on $3,000 dollars a month? ›

Top the amount with 401(k) savings, living on $3,000 a month after taxes is possible for a retiree. For those who only have social security benefits to rely on, there are many places where they can retire on their checks both in the USA and around the world.

How long can you live on $200 000? ›

Assuming you'll live to be 85 and won't want to work after retiring, you can anticipate a need for 20 years of income. If you're able to retire with $200,000 at 65, that will equate to $10,000 a year, or approximately $833 a month.

How do you distribute your money when using the 50 20 30 rule quizlet? ›

A popular savings rule of thumb in which 50% of your income goes towards necessities (groceries, rent, utilities), 20% goes towards savings, debt, and investments, and 30% goes towards flexible spending.

What is the 50 30 20 rule of money? ›

Key Points. The 50-30-20 rule is a simple guideline (not a hard-and-fast rule) for building a budget. The plan allocates 50% of your income to necessities, 30% toward entertainment and “fun,” and 20% toward savings and debt reduction.

How do you split money equally? ›

Keep separate accounts, but make equal payments

Many people find it easiest to maintain separate financial accounts with their own funds. From there, they contribute equally to shared expenses.

How do you split money fairly? ›

There are various ways but here are three options.
  1. Split Your Costs 50/50. You each put an equal half towards your shared bills. Other costs like transport, debts and personal spending remain separate.
  2. Split Your Costs By Income. The one who earns more pays more towards your shared bills. ...
  3. Joint Money.

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.