21 Jobs for Lazy People That Pay Well (2024)

What are the easiesthigh paying jobs forlazy people? That's a nuanced question — one that largely depends on how you define lazy.

If you're truly a lazy person, our advice to you to find a job (especially one that pays well) is to...stop being lazy. Laziness doesn't lead to success. To find a job, and keep one, you’ll need to be motivated, dedicated and willing to put in some work.

But if you're dubbed lazy because, say, you're a late riser, want to work entirely from home, prefer to make your own hours or lean more on the inactive side of the spectrum, don't sweat it — there are jobs out there for you. There are tons of opportunities out there for every type of worker, as long as you’re “unlazy” and motivated enough to find them and get the job done.

Let's look at the best jobs (that pay well!) for people who consider themselves lazy.

1. Survey Taker

There are tons of online sites looking to hire people to take surveys for money. For example,Swagbucks gives out giftcards for answering surveys and taking polls online. It's because the companies, brands and organizations that work with Swagbucks from around the globe are always seeking the opinions of consumers like you to help shape their products and services in the development and marketing stages. Swagbucks has, so far, paid over $600,000,000 in rewards to members around the world. All you have to do is spend a few minutes on your computer, even from the couch.

There’s also added benefits for survey takers with specific professional expertise, whether you’re an engineer or a marketer. These surveys are more likely to offer more money for your time in trade for your unique expertise.

2. Online Shopper

Some people don't have time to shop in stores. Others don't even have time to shop online. That's why they want to hire people like you, who want to sit around and online shop all day. Of course, you'll need to be on your game looking for the best deals around the internet, but you're essentially getting paid to do what you might already do from bed on lazy nights.

3. Line Stand-In

If you don't mind waiting in long lines, there are people in this world who will pay you to do it for them. They may need you to go pick up tickets for them, as they don't have time since they're at work all day, themselves. Or, perhaps, a new in-demand product has come out or there's a popular concert coming up, and the line for tickets it hours long. Someone is probably willing to pay you to wait in the line for them. And that's all you have to do — wait in line.

4. Rideshare Driver

There are tons of ridesharing apps today like Uber and Lyft. If you're keen on making your own hours, sitting in the car most of the day and cruising around, this could be a great job for you. You can even catch up on all those podcasts you've been meaning to listen to or just jam out to music all day.

5. Librarian

Alibrarian job isn't necessarily a job for "lazy" people who want to wake up late. Most libraries are open early, which means you'll have to be there early, too. But, once there, you can spend a good chunk of your day moseying through aisles of books you've probably spent a lot of time reading in bed... you know, on lazier days.

6. Food Taster

If you're much of a foodie, there are tons of companies that'd pay you to taste test their products. Companies both new and old hire food tasters to determine whether or not their recipes are ready.

7. Professional Cuddler

People love to cuddle. There's a market and a demand for it. That's why companies likeCuddle Comfort exist. They hire people like you, who like to lay around, to come cuddle customers.

8. Hotel Sleep Tester

Hotels need to know that their beds are going to serve guests well. So they hire people, like you, to come test them out. You can literally get paid to spend a night sleeping in a hotel, testing out the mattress and pillow/blanket situation.

9. Beer Taster

Beer companies, like food companies, need to know that there's going to be a demand for their product. So many will hire beer tasters to... drink their beer and tell them if it's good.

10. Video Game Tester

Video game companies also need people to test out their games and inform them of any glitches and critical feedback. If you've spent a fair share of your time at home on the couch playing video games in the past, you might be the perfect person for a job like this.

11. Sleep Study Participant

Scientists are always looking for participants in studies. So why not seek out sleep studies? You'll get paid to sleep, in short. You might not even have to do anything differently than you normally would, so long as you're comfortable being monitored and/or tracking your sleep patterns.

12. Breath Odor Analyzer

Gum and toothpaste companies hire people to analyze breath odor in order to gauge their products. In other words, someone will actually pay you to smell other people's breaths.

13. Dog Walker

Apps likeWag! exist for people who love dogs and want to walk them for some extra cash. You can make your own hours and just walk some stranger's dog whenever you feel like going for a stroll.

14. Binge-Watcher

Companies like Netflix hire people to binge-watch content on their platforms in order to help them categorize that content. So, if you're an avid movie watcher or a show series lover, this could be an ideal job for you.

15. Movie Extra

If there's a film shoot for a movie in your area, chances are that the team might be in the market for extras. All you have to do is apply to stand around in the background — usually not doing much.

16. Commercial Extra

Like movies, commercials often need extras, too. And, again, all you have to do is stand around in the background, not usually doing much.

17. Cat Sitter

If you're a pet person, watching someone's animals while they're away on vacation could be a great job for you. Cats, especially, are easy to sit. All you have to do is make sure that cats have enough food, their litter box is clean and they get some snuggles in. It's a pretty easy job, and laying around cuddling is sort of part of the deal anyway. You can find tons of pet sitting jobs on sites likePetsitter.com.

18. Plant Caretaker

When people go on vacation, they may need someone to come by the house to water their plants or take care of the garden. While this could require a lot of manual labor, it usually just requires dropping by once a day or every few days to sprinkle some water and rotating any plants that need more sunlight.

19. Sports Fan

Some companies will hire legitimate sports maniacs to watch sports with clients and take clients out to show them a good time. This is to help amp up the people watching the game, as these sports fans know a lot about it and can get others involved.

20. Housesitter

If a family goes on an extended vacation, they may hire people, like you, to watch their house while they're gone. This might include stopping by to do things like watering the plants or feeding the cat. It also may include things like picking up the mail outside and tidying up so the house doesn't collect dust while they're gone. Depending on the tasks at hand, this can be an incredibly easy pop-in job. You can find these gigs on sites likeHouseSitter.com.

21. Dating App Messenger

There are people out there who will actually hire you to write their dating app profiles and message matches for them. They either don't have the time to do it themselves, or they don't know what they should say. So they're looking to others like you to do it for them.


This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.

AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about women’s empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog, HerReport.org, and follow her journeys on Instagram @her_report,Twitter@herreportand Facebook.

What’s your no. 1 suggestion for someone who wants to find a low-lift job that pays well? Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss members!

21 Jobs for Lazy People That Pay Well (2024)
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