10 finance skills to include in your CV (2024)

10 finance skills that really count

  1. A formal accounting qualification
  2. Interpersonal skills
  3. Ability to communicate
  4. Financial reporting
  5. Analytical ability
  6. Problem-solving skills
  7. Knowledge of digital tools
  8. Management experience
  9. Commercial acumen
  10. Capacity for innovation
Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes

It’s no secret that carving out a high-flying career in finance hinges on more than just good grades.

In today’s fast-evolving workplace, accounting and finance professionals must demonstrate everything from razor-sharp analytical ability and stellar interpersonal skills, to a sharp understanding of industry-standard finance software and regulations.

Related: Need help improving your resume? Download our free professional resume template here.

So, how do you know whether your resume will reach the top of the pile or is destined to fall short?

Here are the top 10 finance skills that will put you in prime position for a promising career in finance.

1. A formal accounting qualification

In some industries, sparkling talent combined with real-world experience is enough to land your dream job.

But a career in finance – a sector ruled by rigorous processes and standards as well as commercial best practices – a glowing CV simply isn’t enough.

Successful candidates will have completed recognised industry qualifications to demonstrate they have the necessary educational training to back-up any work experience they have. Highlighting qualifications such as a CA or CPA are important.


2. Interpersonal skills

There once was a time when finance professionals were bound to cubicles, but that era is long gone.

These days, any perception that finance skills involves simply crunching numbers has been replaced by the reality that positions require workers to deal with clients every day.

For accounting and finance professionals, the ability to build successful relationships with customers is critical if you want to excel. When looking at two equally qualified hires, interpersonal skills are often the point of difference.

3. Ability to communicate

For aspiring accounting and finance workers, strong written and oral communication skills are important, but it’s just as imperative to be able to explain financial jargon in simple terms.

Many companies choose candidates who can make complex industry language legible to clients who have limited knowledge, as opposed to potential hires who simply regurgitate what they’ve learned.

Related: What kind of jobs are in-demand in finance?

4. Financial reporting

There’s no denying that financial reporting skills is a requisite requirement, particular with in growing areas, such as superforecasting.

However finding candidates with strong financial reporting skills is proving a challenge in this sector.

Financial candidates looking for a competitive edge would be wise to ensure they can demonstrate a high aptitude for financial reporting at their next job interview.

5. Analytical ability

Companies are looking to hire employees who can implement lateral thinking, the ability to analyse scenarios, and draw suitable conclusions.

Candidates looking for a successful career in finance must demonstrate their analysis abilities with real-world examples and KPI driven results.

6. Problem-solving skills

These days, it isn’t enough to have watertight knowledge of systems and processes – it’s also essential to be able to tackle complex problems as they arise.

Whether it’s addressing the financial implications of a complicated business structure or coming up with a personalised solution for a client’s tax dilemma, a record of solving problems will see your career grow in leaps and bounds.


7. Knowledge of digital tools

The increased focus on digitisation and automation has encouraged more hiring managers to look toward financial professionals with the right IT skills to leverage new financial systems.

Candidates who can demonstrate knowledge and proficiency in predictive analytics, accounts payable automation, SAP accounting software or Oracle will find themselves in-demand.

8. Management experience

Although it’s not essential, management experience is often highly desirable for employers looking to hire a financial professional for a new role.

If you’ve proven your ability to manage teams during your career, you’re bound to excel in a leadership position in the future.

9. Commercial acumen

It’s important for financial professionals to understand the relationship between a company’s fiscal behaviour and marketplace demands.

Candidates that can exercise commercial acumen as well as an interest in the trends shaping the industry are well-placed to get ahead.

Related: What jobs in finance pay the most?

10. Capacity for innovation

Finance and accounting may be associated with routines and systems, but that doesn’t mean that innovation doesn’t have its place.

Whether you’ve invented a data-collection method that streamlines productivity or a recording process that drives accuracy, candidates who are innovative are likely to stand out.

Have you included these finance skills in your CV?

From brushing up on your financial-reporting skills to cultivating the ability to think outside the box, broadening your skill set is paramount to establishing a career in finance that lasts.

Indeed, if you can tick most of these boxes, you just might be one of finance’s most sought-after professionals with a promising career ahead of you.

Ready to kickstart your career in finance? Or are you already on the hunt for your next career opportunity in finance? Contact us today and one of our specialised finance recruitment consultants will work with you to find the right role for your career.

10 finance skills to include in your CV (2024)


What skills to put on a CV for finance? ›

Some of the core skills in finance include:
  • Accounting. Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, recording and communicating financial information about a business. ...
  • Financial analysis. ...
  • Risk management. ...
  • Investment management. ...
  • Financial planning. ...
  • Taxation. ...
  • Computer finance. ...
  • Educate yourself.
Mar 12, 2023

How to put financial skills on a resume? ›

Make sure to include a strong showing for the following keywords on your resume:
  1. Invoicing.
  2. Journal Entries.
  3. Collaboration.
  4. Compliance.
  5. Reconciling.
  6. Detail Oriented.
  7. Accuracy.
  8. MS Office.

What are the best skills for finance? ›

Essential finance skills include budgeting, financial analysis, problem-solving, risk assessment, financial planning, and more. These skills lead to improved financial decision-making and a better understanding of the economic landscape.

What skills should I mention on my CV? ›

Example skills to put on a CV
  • Active listening skills. ...
  • Communication skills. ...
  • Computer skills. ...
  • Customer service skills. ...
  • Interpersonal skills. ...
  • Leadership skills. ...
  • Management skills. ...
  • Problem-solving skills.
Aug 1, 2023

What does a good finance CV look like? ›

The top sections on a finance CV

Work Experience shows your relevant finance career progression. Education and Certifications demonstrate your foundational finance knowledge. Key Skills section showcases your finance-related abilities and proficiencies.

How do I write a finance CV with no experience? ›

For Entry Level Financial Analysts, a one-page resume is typically sufficient. Since you may not have extensive work experience, focus on highlighting your relevant skills, education, and any internships or projects that demonstrate your ability to analyze financial data and make informed recommendations.

What are accounting skills? ›

What Are Accounting Skills? Accounting Skills are the skills required to present business transactions comprising financial and non-financial in the books of accounts as per prescribed Standards of Accounting (US GAAP, IFRS, Ind AS) and as a part of legal compliance and analysis of business outcomes in an optimum way.

Is financial statements a skill? ›

Knowing how to work with the numbers in a company's financial statements is an essential skill for stock investors.

What are the 5 A's of a finance professional's activities? ›

The 5As refer to the key activities undertaken by finance professionals, including Analysis, Allocation, Acquisition, Administration, and Audit. They give an overview of the widespread roles a finance professional needs to fulfill.

What are soft skills in finance? ›

Soft skills, on the other hand, aren't job specific. They're more subjective, but equally important skills that make someone a valuable asset in any role they may take on. Some soft skills include: communication, collaboration, leadership, and problem solving. Neither skill set is more or less important than the other.

How to upskill yourself in finance? ›

Here are some essential strategies for upskilling in finance: Embrace Lifelong Learning: The finance industry is dynamic, with new regulations, technologies, and market trends emerging regularly. Embrace a mindset of lifelong learning to stay updated and relevant in your field.

What are hard skills? ›

Hard skills, or technical skills, are learned through education or hands-on experience. These are concrete, measurable abilities that are often specific to a job. You can demonstrate your proficiency in hard skills through relevant certifications, portfolios, skill assessment tests, and completed work.

Do you just list skills on a CV? ›

Every skill required for the job, that you also possess, should go into your “Skills” section. If you're able to also briefly describe a STAR example for each skill, your CV will be even more compelling.

Should I explain my skills in CV? ›

Listing your skills before your experience section will color the way your whole resume is reviewed and help tell your career story. If you work in a technical field where hard skills are paramount, you might also want to put your skills section at the top.

What are top 6 skills? ›

Six of the most important skills, according to a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) are problem-solving skills, the ability to work in a team, a strong work ethic, analytical and quantitative skills, communication skills, and leadership qualities.

How to write a CV for finance graduate? ›

How to structure an effective finance graduate CV
  1. Have a header with essential details about you. ...
  2. Start with a personal statement. ...
  3. Provide details of your educational background. ...
  4. Cover your employment history. ...
  5. Highlight your achievements. ...
  6. Highlight relevant skills. ...
  7. References. ...
  8. Include your contact details.
Nov 10, 2022

What is financial skill? ›

Finance skills are a set of hard and soft skills required by individuals who work in the financial industry. It is the ability to use relevant skills and knowledge to understand and manage unpredictable financial situations and transform them into successful ventures.

How do you say "financial skills"? ›

Synonyms for Financial skills
  1. commercial skills. n.
  2. financial acumen.
  3. financial expertise.
  4. financial intelligence.
  5. financial know-how.
  6. financial proficiency.
  7. financial savvy.
  8. marketable skills. n.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.